Sunday, January 16, 2011

The GOLDEN SNAIL ARTIST'S RESIDENCY PROGRAM is coming to fruition as a pilot program that situates itself in the blank slate of a large rustic United States national park service cabin in the national forest each year in order to create an affordable, beautiful and intentional space for respite and work.
The Golden Snail Artist's Residency intends to create a space and the time to slow down and become reconnected with ones life work, self, nature and others whom are pursuing the same.
The term work
in the above statement is completely defined by the individual participants and can include traditional artist's and arts related work such as writing, drawing and painting or playing music but is also extended to research, reading, meditation, hiking, swimming in a river or jumping in the sea, wallowing in the sun, writing letters, pickling, plant identification, yoga, walking, star gazing, cooking and much more. As such each participant will write a statement to the effect of what they will be planning to do during the residency work hours.

>Silent hours for work are from 11 am-5pm each day and are restricted to the main cabin and meadow.
>Participants may set up a picnic blanket or card table in the meadow or porch for tabletop work OR work inside the cabin at the big supper table, but must respect the work and quiet of others.
>You are welcome to use your work hours to go to the beach, river, hiking, town, or adventure with others and forfeit your quiet hours that day or to decide to have your quiet hours working at the beach etc. (arrange a carpool with others).
>Participants will share a candlelit meal and discussion each night. Dietary restrictions (kosher, allergies, vegan) will be respected and considered.
>Rotating groups of 4 will plan and cook a meal for all participants each night.
>A fire will be lit each night in the fire pit.

>We are pleased to announce that this first year the GOLDEN SNAIL ARTIST'S RESIDENCY will be located at the Ludlum house, The Ludlum House is on the Winchuck River in Kalmiopsis Wilderness in the Siskiyou National Forest two miles north of the California border. It is a wheelchair accessible log house with a wood stove, a hand pump for all the fresh well water you could want and close to the beach and the redwoods. The house was built in the 1930's from the remnants of a late 1800's era Hotel in Brookings, OR.
Ludlum House is only 1/2 hour drive from ocean beaches, and Redwood State Park in northern California. Many hiking trails are nearby: Chimney Camp Trail #1279, Sourdough Trail #1114, Oregon Redwoods Trail - #1106 Barrier Free (Wheelchair Accessible) and Oregon Redwoods Trail - #1107.

Brookings, Oregon Google MAP,+OR&gl=us&ei=NlIzTf6wNYG6sQPG_NSGBg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB4Q8gEwAA

Federal Recreation Site with info about the Ludlum house

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